My projects

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Site to gather projects and CTF-write ups.
Written in HTML5 and CSS3.

COMP-105 programming paradigms (Haskell)

This repo is private as parts of assessments could be used in later years. Assignment 1 was recursion based, only certain functions were allowed such as infix functions (mostly mathematicals operators). This assignment was to create a huffman encoder/decoder to work for infinite characters. Assignemnt 2 was based around higher-order programming and was a report program that returns stock trades that were requested in a certain format. Assignment 3 was an AI maze solving program where we could assume all mazes were structured as a tree format, my search was recusive in nature.

Cyber Write-Ups

This repo contains all of my cyber write ups, there can also be viewed on the cyber write up page.
Note that all of the write ups are the folder names they are in as markdown files.
e.g. write-up ->

Comp-122 Object Orientated Programming

Module at the University of Liverpool to learn OOP using Java.

Contained an assignment brute forcing Caesar Cipher using imperative Java, assignment implementing a number of shift ciphers showcasing use of abstraction and inheritance and a project showcasing use of collections and regex mixed with OOP model.

Comp-108 Algorithms

Module at the University of Liverpool to learn Algorithmics with assignments using Java.

Leanrning the basics of algorithmics with some assignments on caching and paging algorithms. These assignments also required assessment of time complexity of our own algorithms using the Big-O model.

Comp-124 Computer Systems

Module at the University of Liverpool to learn the basics of computer systems and assignems in assembly and concurrency.

Learning how computers work at a theoretical level with topics like the OS, assembly, memory management, multi-threading and compilation vs interpretation. One assignment was a very basic x86 assembly program using the C++ inline assembler and the other was a small java program looking at the dining philosopher problem in multithreading programming.